Infrared inspection, or “Thermography,” is used throughout industry as a key diagnostic tool for finding problems. Infrared inspections are a non-destructive, non-contact, and cost effective way to detect and document defects.

Read on for more information, or click the button below to contact us and let our trained professionals help you decide whether Infrared Imaging is something you need.




An essential tool to find and diagnose defects or potential risks in any application.


What is Infrared Imaging?

It is the process of converting infrared radiation emitted from an object into a useful thermal image with the use of infrared/thermographic cameras and ancillary systems. Equipment used in infrared image inspections gathers these underlying temperature signatures to present a clear picture of existing or potential problems in your equipment, systems, or buildings.

Why Does IR Imaging Make For a Reliable Inspection System?

When infrared imaging is used to locate and document thermal anomalies in buildings and building systems, our trained technicians help property owners and facility managers identify potentially dangerous and costly problems. Our infrared baseline survey provides crucial information about the performance of an existing building, information that serves as a benchmark for tracking the integrity and performance of its different systems over time.

A qualified infrared survey can be the difference between costly downtime and uninterrupted operations. By partnering with MGM Services, you can always be assured of the latter. Our investment in the latest, most advanced equipment and the expertise of our certified technicians directly benefits our customers.

Infrared Imaging Offers the Following Advantages

• It is versatile, powerful, and exceedingly accurate in comparison with conventional inspection methods
• It is non-destructive and non-invasive testing
• It gathers data that is well beyond the range of visible light
• It is a seamless solution for both preventative and diagnostic maintenance
• It is a ‘real time’ testing method that brings forth emerging or existing impacts in buildings or systems


Why is Thermographic Imaging the Inspection System of Choice?

Thermographic testing has emerged as a powerful, versatile and highly accurate diagnostic tool for uncovering a wide range of problems in building systems and structures, including moisture intrusion, missing or damaged insulation, overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, loose electrical connections, construction defects and post-fire damage. With our experience in thermographic imaging and state-of-the-art equipment, we know how to set up and execute the right infrared testing configuration for your scenario.

What Can a Thermal Imaging Survey do for You?

Infrared testing is essentially a non-invasive, non-destructive inspection process that uses thermographic cameras. These infrared devices gather temperature signatures that lie far beyond the range of visible light. Analysis of thermal imaging survey data will help you detect problems before they become serious and costly issues. If you are a property owner or facilities manager, infrared testing adds an invaluable dimension to your building diagnostics and preventative maintenance program. In addition, investors and property owners use our infrared baseline surveys services to evaluate and protect their real estate investments. Thermal imaging inspections can thus detect minor problems before they snowball into major hazards.

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